Brainy Quote

Thursday, 10 January 2008

Review 2007 - Personal

For the first time in 23 years I feel like reviewing what has happened
in personal, political and economic space.


I wonder what I have been doing for last 23 years anyway. Understandably 1st 6 years were spent on understanding that I am a human baby and fulfilling basic human needs and 'growing up'. Next 10 years, were unfortunately spent in school passing 1 year to another and joining in
misc activities. Some of them stayed with me, many forgotten. It's a whole new topic so lets move on. Big change at 16 - I arrived in S'pore. But thereafter, 6 years were spent in preparing for the world a.k.a rat race - Junior college and university. But, this year - year 2007 was very significant - it will shape my life. On my 22nd b'day I knew it would be different year but I was not prepared for this.

First, my graduation. Bachelor in Business Management - from a science to finance, I attribute this change to my 16th birthday, arrival in Singapore. What started out as interest in economics landed me in this world of finance. Do I enjoy it, definitely - is it something that I really want
- probably.

Next, driving license. I used to have nightmares on driving. I have crashed my vehicle in crowded market or break failure - something with serious causalities. I have never seen or been in an accident but I was always scared of it. Probably due to my friend's loss. My primary school
I had a friend whose dad and uncle passed away in an accident. Whatever the reason I tried hard to wriggle out of it. To add to my worry, S'pore is know for hard-to-pass driving test. But I did it- in FIRST ATTEMPT. Tell that to a Singaporean and you will earn same admiration as of
graduating with degree. Good statistics to find - how many pass at 1st attempt, 2nd and more than that. ..

Moving on, GMAT - now this was totally unplanned yet expected. I definitely want to go for further studies. More I work here and more I believe I need to study and better understand the market. GMAT is important. I had paid for fees on June but didn't start studying - seriously - 2 weeks prior to test. Given my test records of 580-600 I was skeptical of scoring anything above 650 - but - BUT - I got 710. This is not to boast but if the score report had bold option I would
have bold and underlined to ensure that its my report and my score - 93%... For my efforts I am a 'happy chappy'.

But the most important turning point in 2007 will be my job - Barclays Capital. Agreed it is not as big as Goldman Sach, Merrill or JP Morgan but its growing. I gambled with my job, took up a contract job when most of my peers went for graduate programs and/or permanent jobs. It was to get into Barclays and I succeeded - 6month later - I moved to Sales Assistant for emerging markets. It was not a very difficult phase. I am surprised with ease that I got this job. But I am definitely grateful. Dynamism, complication and pace - defines my job. It has affirmed my
belief that I want to move in this field albeit in a different role but field for sure.

I started last year hoping to land in a good job - that's it. But I have reached farther than that. Plans led astray but in a better direction. I recall my boring period in core on-boarding team to
stressful on-verge-of-tears day in current position. Some personal let downs that has left me wondering for what is to happened and professional achievement that will define my future.

1 year down - am I any closer to my ambition? Can't say but first step was in right direction....

1 comment:

Raahul said...

Wow quite nice account of yr last 23 years !!! Hope you have a wonderfull life ahead and enjoy the fruits of the hard work you have put in the last few years of your life...